It’s been a little bit since maybe you’ve heard form us here! If you’ve been looking for new blog posts since the last one, I humbly offer you this little piece of cake as a thank you for waiting this long.
Go ahead. Eat it. I promise it’s safe.
In the meantime, for the rest of you, hi! Welcome to Harpe Star, the only photography duo checking in from the Lyra constellation.
We’ve been working on some things that we wanted to share with you. Specifically, The Harpe Star House Studio.
Over the course of a week or so, I (Micah) spent my time on my hands and knees, cleaning out, washing, and painting our garage floor with epoxy. I didn’t do a great job, but you know what? It’ll do for now. I’ll just have to redo it next summer. And that’s fine. For now, we’ll use it as our safe space to shoot. As long as there isn’t snow on the ground, we can open the two garage doors, keep the cars in the driveway, and setup our backdrop and studio lights. The floor isn’t so dirty since I washed it, so it’s comfortable to leave things lying around. There are even places set up computers, or speakers, and/or a mini-bar off in the corner; hidden out of sight from the photo lights.
No longer does it only feel like a home for a garage and the things that we don’t want in the house. It really feels like it’s almost a studio.
It isn’t much, but we wanted to share with you what kind of exciting stuff we’ve been able to experiment with because of this new D.I.Y space. And maybe ours will give you a little bit of inspiration on how you could set something up like this in your own space!

You can see in that last photo, the black and white one, the backdrop is small, and through the edit Kristen elongates it. We’ve got three lights set up, two with soft boxes and one with a golden reflector. Though for that shoot, we didn’t need any of them. The light from the garage doors was plenty enough.