Quarantine Blog, Day Fifty-Nine

It’s May 15th and Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005-2008) has found it’s way onto Netflix.

You can bet that I’m on finishing up episode six and starting up episode seven as I write this blog out.

I’m just as hooked now as I was when I watched it the first time as a kid. Just as excited as when I was sixteen, and again at eighteen.

It’s been an in and out of my life for some time. One of those shows, you know?

We’ve all got some.

If you don’t know the story (first off how dare you) it’s about a young boy named Aang. He’s the last of his kind; the last of the Airbenders.

He also just so happens to be the Avatar, the only being who can master all four elements, fire, earth, water and air. Only he can save the world.

Starting the show again has been bringing back a lot of memories of sitting in different basements all around Michigan.

Pictures where I’d be squatted out at a desk in front of a computer monitor, while I’d drink too much Mountain Dew and binge my way through the the three seasons, or “Books” as this show refers to them as.

Those memories lead to others, and I watched as my mind wandered down the path of nostalgia and wonderment.

It’s been nice to let my brain soar to those places today.




Micah Mabey

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